From the desk of Dr. Jake...
Habits are a necessary element of the human experience. Imagine how taxing it would be if all the various activities that now exist as habits in your life — putting on your shoes, making coffee, folding clothes, driving to work, using your phone, etc. — you actually had to consciously and intentionally think through each and every time you did them.
Habits conserve the brain's energy by automating processes. This is a good thing... usually.
We all know about bad habits, as well. These can include not just the typical unhealthy behaviors we all would guess, like diet and exercise routines, but all the ways we believe, think, feel, and behave.
So much research has been generated in the last few years about what habits really are neurobiologically, as well as how we can open ourselves up to deep transformation.
In this webinar, I'm going to apply the science of habits to the realms of addiction recovery and healing from trauma. My hope is that you leave better equipped to set your own course for the next chapter of your journey.
I hope you'll join me!