Leveraging emotions for connection.

We are emotional beings, even (especially!) those of us who think we aren't. Emotions can be tricky, like surges of energy that sneak up on us and take over our bodies.


Are some emotions "good" and others "bad?" Can some emotions damage relationships? What do I do with this feeling that just won't go away?


All of these questions and more will be answered in this Venture Online webinar in the Life Hacks for Your Love Life Series.

Featured Topics

What are emotions really? And why do they matter?

Emotions are a critical part of the human experience and largely responsible for the feeling of connection people experience in relationships. Discover what emotions actually are and why they matter.

​Which emotions are most basic? Are some emotions bad?

Dr. Jake will provide every single webinar attendee a FREE copy of his Ten Basic Emotions PDF, which unlocks the gifts of every single emotion. That's right — there's no such thing as a "bad" emotion.

How can we connect through the sharing of emotions?

Emotions are a powerful means of human connection, and in this webinar you will learn a step-by-step method of sharing your emotions with your partner. Experience the bond created through shared emotion!

Event Details

A Webinar with Dr. Jake Porter

Discover some of the most powerful insights Dr. Jake uses as he works with some of the most complex couple therapy scenarios out there. By applying his understanding of developmental neuroscience, attachment theory, and counseling psychology, Dr. Jake has helped numerous couples shift the dynamics of their relationships.  Learn practical tools for powerful shifts from Dr. Jake himself!

What are the basic emotions?

Receive the free PDF of Dr. Jake's Ten Basic Emotions. Begin reconnecting to your own body's emotional wisdom and reclaiming the power of your emotional intuition.

What do I do with my bad emotions?

According to Dr. Jake, there's no such thing! Some emotions may be pleasant while others are unpleasant, but ALL emotions are opportunities for connection and relationship.

How can I share my emotions effectively?

Secure relationships are those in which ALL emotions, even the hard and uncomfortable one, have space to be shared. In this live webinar, Dr. Jake will give a basic formula that will allow you to share any emotion for the good of your relationship.

A Word from Dr. Jake

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